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My Young Days
by Don Annis

A dear little village in north Bedfordshire
Has a place that has been to my heart, very dear,
And so many memories just keep coming back
With grass in the meadow and sheaves from the stack.

Young days, in the thirties, when life was quite tough.
But mother made sure that we all had enough,
With the veg from the garden and stew from the pot
We were happy to have all the love that we got.

As I wandered the fields, where I walked every day,
I would look at new life that was there on display.
In the spring when the hedgerows were all in their green
There were violets and primroses all to be seen.

All the birds would be singing above in the trees,
We would look for their nests - quite a number of these.
Each day brought new progress, from eggs to the young,
So lovely to know that new life had begun.

I kept chickens and bantams that were all running free
In the fields where we lived - no cages for me.
They just had a shed and came in to lay,
Then came home to roost at the end of the day.

We had lovely spring water which came from the well,
Which sometimes ran low if we had a dry spell.
Then my father would walk half a mile to a friend
With a yoke and two buckets, till the dry spell would end.

On Sunday we went to the Chapel to pray
And sing of the love we received every day.
On weekdays to school, which was five miles away.
If only those young days could be here to stay.

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