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Rev. James William Weldon-Davies

Beds Times 12 November 1954, transcribed by John Collins

Death occurred on Sunday of Rev. J. W. Weldon-Davies of Fish Farm Cottage, Milton Ernest, aged 80. Former Master at Bedford Modern School . Interment at Milton Ernest.

Beds Times 19 November 1954

Minister and Schoolmaster - Death of the Rev. J. Weldon-Davies
A Rector of Souldrop and Knotting for 22 years, and a master at Bedford Modern School for a number of years, the Rev. James William Weldon-Davies, M.A., D.D., died on 7th November at Milton Ernest, after a short illness. Aged 80, and born in Wales , he leaves a son, Capt. P. A. Weldon-Davies, of Aylesbury.

Since retiring Mr. Weldon-Davies had lived in Milton Ernest for nearly two years, and had often taken services during the months there had been no vicar. He had become a well-loved figure, greeting all with a smile and kindly word.

He had studied at Jesus College , Oxford , had been Rector of Yelden and Shelton , and at one time was Chaplain of Bedford General Hospital (South Wing). For 24 years Mr. Weldon-Davies had also been Chaplain for the Sir William Harpur Masonic Lodge, and was at one time curate at St. Mary’s Church, Bedford.

The funeral service was held at Milton Ernest on 10th November, conducted by the Bishop of Bedford, the Right Rev. A. C. MacInnes, assisted by Canon H. C. Perry and the Rev. F. J. Barwood, Rural Dean. There was a representative congregation of clergy, brethren of the Masonic Lodge, and friends from Souldrop, Oakley, Rushden, and Clapham. Amongst many Milton Ernest friends who attended were representatives from the Methodist Church .

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