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Rushden Echo & Argus, 10th March 1950, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mrs. Emma Eaton

Member of Yelden Church Council Dies - Funeral of Mrs. Emma Eaton
THE funeral took place on Saturday afternoon Yelden Parish Church of Mrs. Emma Eaton (73), who died at her home, Church Lane, Yelden, after a short illness. Mrs. Eaton took a keen interest in parish affairs, and was a member of the Parochial Church Council and the Women's Institute. Her husband, Mr. James Eaton, and three sons and four daughters are bereaved.

The Rev. Francis Wright, Rector of Yelden, officiated at the funeral service. The family mourners were: Mr. and Mrs. S. Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Eaton (sons and daughters-in-law), Mr. T. Eaton (son), Mrs. Pendered, Mr. and Mrs. P. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. B. Holmes (sons-in-law and daughters), Miss Audrey Eaton (grand-daughter), Mrs. Turner (sister). Mr. J. Eaton (widower) and Miss E Eaton (daughter) were unable to be present through illness.

Also present were: Mr. E. Nicholson, Mrs. Groom, Mr. A. Nicholson, Miss H. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Wildman, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wagstaff, Mr. and Mrs. F. Benning, Mr. J. George, Mr. and Mrs. J. Coles, Mr. W. Whiteman, Miss F. Reynolds, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Murley, Mrs. A. Strineer, Mrs. Dixon, Mr. Miley, Mrs. Hilton and Mrs. Attley.

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