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Rushden Echo Friday 3rd Mar 1916, transcribed by Susan Manton
Mr. and Mrs. George Lee
Golden Wedding at Raunds
A Well Known School Master
Presentation to Mr. and Mrs. G. Lee

The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, of Raunds, has been celebrated. The actual attainment of 50 years of married life was on August 7th last, but the celebration was delayed in order that it might be possible to have the presence of the two soldier sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lee; Sergt. L. G. H. Lee, R.E. and Lanc-Corp. J. W. Lee, Royal Bucks Hussars.

The teachers and officers of the Wesleyan Sunday School, the members of the Society Classes led by Mr. and Mrs. Lee and a few other friends were invited to tea in the schoolroom, the company numbering about 120.

Mr. John Adams C.C. presented to Mr. Lee of a life-sized photo of himself in a dark oak frame to be hung up in the schoolroom as a companion picture to Mrs. G. Bass.

Referring in very appreciative terms to the long and faithful services of Mr. Lee as schoolmaster and Sunday School Superintendent, Mr. Adams said there was no one in Raunds who had been a greater influence for good.

Mr & Mrs Lee
Mr & Mrs Lee
The Argus Newpaper
Mr. John Horrell added his testimony to the worth of Mr. Lee’s services in the school, and Mr. Arthur Hazeldine, Mr. Harry Adams (Ringstead) and Mr. George Bass also added tributes of appreciation.

On a brass plate affixed to the picture the following words were engraved:- “Presented to Mr. George Lee in loving memory of long and faithful service. Head Master of the Day School 45½years. Superintendent of the Sunday School 54 years. Class Leader 52 years.”

The Rev. J. Burrows, on behalf of the society classes led by Mr. and Mrs. Lee for so many years, asked their acceptance of six volumes of the standard edition of “Wesley’s Journal”.

Miss Pulpher, Messrs. A Pendered, J Coles, and H. Hazeldine, old members of the classes spoke in high terms of the good influences received from their leader.

Mr. Lee, in reply, said that not only did Mrs. Lee and himself value their kindness very highly, but their children would cherish the memory of that interesting occasion.

Mrs. Lee also added a few words of thanks.

Sergeant Lee expressed the thanks of the family for their kind expression to their parents.

A musical programme followed, Miss Louis Smith, Miss Grace Lawrence, Miss Edith Adams, Mr. O. D. Hall, and Mr. and Mrs. Jethro Hall taking part. Sergt. Lee gave short sketch of his life and work at the front.

On Sunday the scholars presented Mr. Lee with a revolving book case.

A new desk has been presented to the school bearing a brass plate, the gift of an old scholars in honour of the long service of the three superintendents – Messrs. G. Lee, John Horrell and Owen Knighton.

Extract from a weather report 1920

Raunds weather conditions are recorded by Mr. L. G. H. Lee, by means of instruments of the approved Meteorological Office pattern.  A daily report is sent to the Meteorological Office.

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