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Rushden Echo September 16th 1921, transcribed by Susan Manton

The Wedding of Mr. Don Chamberlain
A Pleasant Outing

To celebrate the wedding of Mr. Don Chamberlain – reported in this issue – Mr. W.W. Chamberlain generously gave an outing on Saturday last to the employees at the Rushden and Higham Ferrers factories of the firm with friends. The party, numbering about 90, went by brake to Bedford starting at 9am. On arriving at Bedford an excellent dinner was served by Messrs. Dudeney & Johnston, caterers.

The arrangements were in the hands of Mr. Bazeley, the foreman at the Rushden works, who presided at the dinner. Proposing the toast of “Success to the Firm” Mr. Bazeley said he was pleased to be able to state that perfect good feeling existed between the employers and the workpeople. This was very necessary in these days of keen competition. The workers, in return for their wages, should endeavour to put their best interest into their work, and then, with good feeling, good workmanship and good service generally the firm would be able in the future, as in the past, to successfully compete with all comers and so provide regular work for the employees.

Mr. Blackwell supported the toast, which was honoured with acclamation.

The Chairman proposed heartiest thanks to the firm for their generosity in giving full wages, providing the brakes and dinner, and handing to each guest the sum of 2/6d towards other expenses. (Applause) Coupled with thanks, he proposed the toast of “The health and happiness of Mr. and Mrs. Don Chamberlain”.

Supported by Mr. Blackwell, the toast was honoured with enthusiasm.

The party then dispersed to enjoy the river, park, and other attractions, a very enjoyable time being spent.

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