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Rushden Echo, 12th March 1965, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mrs. Mary Burton
Verse by a 77 year-old Woman
The following poem was written by 77-year-old Mrs. Mary Burton, who has been in the Castle ward of Park Hospital, Wellingborough, for some years now, and who used to live at the Almshouses, College Street, Higham Ferrers. Mrs. Burton was well-known locally as Polly Clayton.

A pen picture of a Darby and Joan meeting entitled “Who said they were bad old days?”

In Higham Ferrers Adult School
Every Friday afternoon,
You can hear a lot of chatter,
A lot of laughter too.
It’s the mums and dads who gather,
Granddads and grandmas too,
To talk about the good old days
And the things they used to do.

Dad talks about his fishing
Down by the River Nene, how he
Caught a lot of little-uns, then
Threw them back again,
How he used to gather blackberries
For mum to make a pie,
And as the sun was setting,
Some mushrooms he would spy.

Then he would make for home
And say, “Gal, what’s for tea?”
And mum would say quite cheerfully,
“Why, bloaters for you and me.”
Mum still talks of the cooking
She did in days gone by,
Of suet clangers, ock and doughs,
And often a rabbit pie.

When we went to the butchers
For a bit of salted beef,
We often got a piece
To last us all the week.
To the bakehouse on a Sunday
We would take a joint of meat,
In a tin of lovely batter
To give the kids a treat.

But we shall have to go gal,
The bus is just outside,
I’m sure I couldn’t walk home gal,
It’s much better now to ride.
So now we must say “cheerio,”
And when we come again,
I’ll tell you more memories
Which will make us laugh again.

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