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The Rushden Echo, 14th December 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins
William Wilson Lamb
Nasty Accident Near Knotting

Gipsy Knocked Down by Motor Car Driven by a Raunds Officer

Driver Free from Blame

A nasty accident occurred on Tuesday morning about 11.15 near the Knotting Turn on Bedford-road, when a gipsy named William Wilson Lamb, aged about 70, was knocked down and severely injured about the head by a motor car driven by Second-Lieut. Albert Charles Masters, R.F.C., of Raunds, who is home on leave.

It appears that Lamb was standing with some other gipsies on the right-hand side of the road near some caravans, when suddenly and without any warning he stepped right in front of the car which was proceeding towards Bedford.

Lieut. Masters did all in his power to avoid Lamb, but the latter was caught, probably by the offside mudguard, and knocked violently to the ground which his head struck sharply. Lieut. Masters, who was accompanied by his mother, at once stopped the car, and with the assistance of the other gipsies carried Lamb, who was in an unconscious condition, and who was bleeding badly, to the side of the road. The officer then proceeded to Rushden in his car, and reported the case to P.C. Mattock, who was on duty in Bedford-road. Dr. Baker was conveyed to the scene of the accident, and after he had attended to lamb’s injuries he ordered him to be at once taken to the Bedford General hospital, whither he was subsequently conveyed by Lieut. Masters and P.C. Mattock.

We understand that lamb is suffering from severe concussion, and it is possible that the skull may be fractured in addition to internal injuries. We are assured that no blame whatever can be attached to the driver of the car, who has several years’ experience, and has not previously been involved in any accidents. No reason can be assigned for Lamb suddenly stepping into the road, as apparently he saw the car approaching.

P.C. Mattock reported the case to inspector Bliss at Sharnbrook Police Station.

The Rushden Echo, 14th December 1917

Knotting Green - Fatal Result—News was received this morning that the gipsy who was knocked down by a motor car on the Bedford-road on Tuesday (reported on page 2) has died, and an inquest is to be held at Bedford tomorrow.

[The inquest report is in the paper on the 21st Dec. And the verdict was “Accidental Death”.]

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