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Adapted, Eric Jenkins, 4th September 2007, from The Northampton Mercury, 16th June 1866, page 5
George Irons, aged 38

W. Marshall, Coroner, held an inquest at Higham Ferrers on Tuesday, 12th June, 1866, on view of the body of George Irons, aged 38. He had been found dead in bed on the previous morning, Monday, 11th June.

Some years previously, he had entered the Northamptonshire Militia, and from there, he had been drafted into the regular army. He was supposedly healthy, but he "drank somewhat too freely". He was lodging at the house of Mrs. Tester, at Higham Ferrers. She told the inquest, "He was about the smallest eater I ever knew. On Saturday, he brought home a pig's jowl, which I cooked for his Sunday dinner. He seemed to like it, and partook of it for both dinner and tea, with so much appetite it attracted my attention. He also ate some of it for supper, heartily, and then he went out to milk some cows. He came back about half past ten, and went to bed quietly. The next morning at about half past five, I called him to get up, but he didn't answer me. I then told my husband, and we both shouted, but got no reply. I went and fetched my neighbour in, and we both went to his bedside. His hands were quite cold, and we felt sure he was dead".

Dr. Starling: I examined the body. I attribute death to apoplexy. The jury verdict was "apoplexy".

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