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A. W. Partridge
(Late Pratt Walker)
Wholesale Boot & Shoe Manufacturer,
Wollaston, Northants, England.

Mr A W Partridge THE firm was established in the year 1864 by the late John Walker. His son, Pratt Walker, succeeded him in the year 1889, and carried on the business in the name of Pratt Walker (late John Walker). It is the oldest Boot Manufacturing business in this neighbourhood, doing an extensive trade for Home and Export, good medium-class, wear-guaranteed, sound and reliable Men's Boots being the feature of the production.

Mr. Pratt Walker retired from business in the year 1908 (six years previous to his death in 1914), and as a reward for diligence, long and faithful service, he offered the business as a going concern, including the extensive freehold factory and premises, on favourable terms to his manager, Mr. A. W. Partridge, who had been in his employ from boyhood, and possesses a thorough and practical knowledge of every branch of the business.

Mr A W Partridge
The factory
Trade Marks



Men's Medium,
Sound, Reliable Footwear

The trade mark
The Partridge
Mr. A. W. Partridge at once set to work reorganising the whole of the factory; adopting the best known modern methods with a view of attaining the highest stage of efficiency in the production of Men's Medium-Class Footwear that would ensure: "Once a Customer—Always a Customer."

Extensive alterations have been made to the building, which is now replete with the most up-to-date machinery, giving the finest results. Still further extensions are anticipated, as soon as convenient, to enable coping with the heavy demands.

Since the commencement of the War this firm has been principally engaged upon Army Boots for the British and Allied Governments.

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