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Rolls of Honour - Higham Ferrers
Fundraising for Soldiers' Comforts

Rushden Echo, 5th October 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

Roll of Honour
A meeting if the committee was held at the Athletic Club yesterday, Mrs E Dickenson presiding, when reports were received from the collectors in connection with the proposed Roll of Honour for the North end of the town. The collectors reported that there had been a splendid response, and it was stated that one gentleman has offered to bear the cost of erecting the Roll.

Rushden Echo, 26th October 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

Central Roll of Honour—A meeting was held at Mrs Lynn’s, Milton-street, on Tuesday night for the purpose of providing a Roll of Honour for the central part of the borough. It was decided to call it the Central Roll of Honour, and the following were elected: Vice Presidents, Mrs J Lynn and Mrs J Thompson; Secretary, Mrs A E Lloyd; Treasurer, Mrs W Waplington; Committee, Mesdames T Draper, F Draper, S Abbott, Negus, F Mitchell, J Keep and Flawn, and Miss Rose Dickenson. It was decided to hold another meeting in the B.W.T.A. Hall on Tuesday evening next, when all interested are invited.

A Dance was held in the Band Club Hall on Tuesday night in aid of the North-end Roll of Honour. There was a large attendance. Councillor F D Brazier acted as M.C. and Miss F Litchfield was the pianist. Mrs Dickenson (President of the Roll of Honour Committee) thanked all who had worked to make the gathering a success, especially the ladies who had given the refreshments. Mr Brazier, in reply, said it was a grand work on behalf of the boys; a work that was essential. The proceeds of the dance were £5, including the sum of £1 18s. 0d, which was made by the selling of refreshments given by friends.

Rushden Echo & Argus, 26th April 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

The Central Roll of Honour Committee have sent off this week 5s. To each of the boys serving in their district.

Rushden Echo, 10th May 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

North-End Roll of Honour—The sum of £25 10s has been paid out this week, 113 boys each receiving 4s 6d (prisoners of war 1s 6d extra). The 109 boys whose names were on the Roll when it started in October have now received altogether £1 1s. each.

Rushden Echo, 13th September 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

THE SUM of £23 2s. has been sent this week to the 114 boys that are on the North-end Roll of Honour, each boy receiving 4s. (prisoners of war 5s.)

Rushden Echo, 27th September 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

The sum of 10s. has been raised for the North End Roll of Honour by A Pack, L Dickenson, and E and M Warr, by the sale of lavender bags.

Rushden Echo, 1st November 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

The first annual meeting of the Central Roll of Honour took place in the B.W.T.A. Hall yesterday. The following officers were elected for the coming year:- President, Mrs F Draper; secretary, Mrs Lloyd; treasurer, Mrs Lloyd; treasurer, Mrs Hudson; committee, Mesdames Flawn, Abbott, sen, Cherry, Johnson and Smith. The receipts for the past year were £176/6/7¼, expenses £161/7/5¼, leaving a balance in hand of £14/9/2. The books were audited by Mr B W Benford and found correct.

Rushden Echo, 13th December 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

Central Roll of Honour—The Committee have sent another 5s. to each soldier and sailor serving from their district.

The South-end Roll of Honour held a dance on Saturday at the Band Club Hall, when £2 was realised after expenses were paid. The pianist was Mrs Payne, and the M.C. Mr W Seckington. There was a good company. The committee have this week sent 5s. each to 140 boys.

Rushden Echo, 10th January 1919, transcribed by Kay Collins

North End Roll of Honour—A Dance held in the Band Club Hall on Saturday proved most successful. Mr Litchfield acted as M.C., and Miss Litchfield and Mr Randall kindly supplied the music. The sum of £4 4s 6d was cleared. The committee wish to thank all friends who were so good in giving the refreshments.

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