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Higham Ferrers Corporation

Wellingborough News, 29th July 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

THE CORPORATION—As cricketers would say, the Corporation has had another "life," the Government having announced that the Bill dealing with the unreformed Corporations has been withdrawn for the session.

Wellingborough News, 28th October 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

CORPORATION—On Monday evening a meeting was held to nominate one capital burgess and the mayor for the ensuing year. The Mayor presided, and there were present Aldermen J. Sanderson, E. B. Randall, W. Spong, R. Flintham, W. H. Simpson (deputy-recorder), and Burgesses O. Hawkes, H. Sanders, G. Shelton, J. Thompson, G. Wyman, P. Shelton, J. Lamb, J. Groome, O. Parker, and H. Clarke. Mr. E. B. Randall nominated as a fit person to serve as a capital burgess Mr. C. Simpson. Mr. J. Sanderson said as senior alderman he had great pleasure in seconding the nomination. Mr. Higgins said it was usual on such occasions for the Mayor to nominate his successor, and as he thought there might be some important matters to be attended to during the year he had pleasure in proposing Mr. Crew. This was seconded by Mr. Sanderson. The Deputy-Recorder stated that perhaps it would be necessary for the Mayor to make arrangements with influential persons in reference to a Bill that was introduced into the House of Lords and endorsed by Lord Rosebery. It was intended to apply for a Select Committee of whichever House the Bill was introduced to, with a view to obtain fair play to all the unreformed boroughs, as it was found that in some cases where these boroughs had connected with them influential M.P.s they were found in Schedule A, while others were left in the cold in Schedule B. He knew that a petition would be presented asking for a Select Committee to see that all have fair play, and he thought that the Higham Corporation should co-operate. Mr. G. Shelton suggested that as Mr. Crew was not present it would be as well to have two strings to their bow, and he proposed Mr. Randall. Mr. J. Groome seconded Mr. Randall, and the meeting then closed.

Wellingborough News, 25th November 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

CORPORATION MEETING—On Monday afternoon, at the usual "Three Weeks' Court," for the mayor, deputy-recorder, justice of the peace, mayor's sergeant, and bailiff to take the oaths of office, &c., the business was merely routine and of no public interest.

Wellingborough News, 23rd December 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

CORPORATION MEETING—On Monday evening, a meeting of the Corporation was held, to fill up the vacancy in the Bedesmen caused by the death of Samuel Pack, and to dispense Latham's Charity, viz:—10s. each to six poor persons. Mr. W. Davey was appointed to the vacant Bede's place, and the following were the recipients of the 10s.:—Sarah Ann Partridge, long illness; Wm. Wyman, accident, causing long lameness; Thomas Murdin, long illness; Wm. Warner, wife's long illness; Thomas Smith, long illness; Elizabeth Parker, long illness.

Wellingborough News, 8th November 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

ELECTION OF MAYOR AND J.P.—On Monday afternoon the annual court of the Corporation was held in the Town Hall. The court was opened in due form by Sergeant Green, and there being only one nomination for the mayoralty, Mr. Crew was declared elected, and took the oaths of office, as did Mr. Randall, who was elected Justice of the Peace for the year, or so much of the year as is before them. The court was closed in due form.

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