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Higham Ferrers, Chelveston and Irchester
Parish Magazine - February 1896

Past Events Dec. 21st. On that evening Mr. and Mrs. Gray very kindly, as is their custom, entertained the Chelveston Church Workers. An excellent supper and a happy evening were much appreciated by about 40 workers.

Dec. 31st. Tea and dance was held at the Bede House, proceeds for the Clock Fund, £7.

Jan. 9. The Vicar and Mrs. Dun entertained Higham Ferrers Church Workers. Number present including a few friends, 125.

Coming Events

Feb. 3rd. Dance for benefit of the Bede House Committee, got up by members of the Choir.

Feb. 18th. Shrove Tuesday. Tea, dance, and social gathering in the Bede House, proceeds for the Clock Fund.

Feb. 19th. Ash Wednesday, first day of Lent.

April 23rd. Confirmation at Higham Ferrers Church, 11 a.m., by Bishop Mitchinson.

Chelveston Day School The School was re-opened after the Christmas holidays on Dec. 31st. The School will be examined in Religious Knowledge some time in February.
Chelveston Sunday School The prizes were given away by the Vicar on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 29th. Thirty-two boys and girls received prizes. The attendance is about 70.
The Curacy The Rev. B. Clifford Cullwick entered on the work of the Curacy on Christmas Day. May a blessing rest on his work.
The Confirmation Confirmation Classes will be formed both at Higham Ferrers and Chelveston, as soon as a certain number of Candidates have given in their names. Those confirmed in years past should think of their own Christian obligations, and endeavour to help those coming forward as Candidates

The sum still needed to clear the Clock Fund is £18. The Curate Fund for 1895 has a debt due to the Vicar of £11 5s. 0¼d., and there is a back debt besides. The Churchwardens need a sum of £43 to meet the repairs made to the Tower in summer.

The Churchwardens and Sidesmen of Chelveston need a sum of about £8 to pay off what was incurred for the repair of the Tower and Foundations of Chelveston Church in autumn last. Received for this object from Miss Leighton,£l.

The Choir Fund (Higham Ferrers) has a balance in hand of £1 11s. 11½d.

The Poor and Incidental Account (Higham Ferrers) for 1895 has a balance in hand of 6/1¾; Receipts, £14 17s. 2½d.; Expenditure, £14 11s. 0¾d.

The Poor and Incidental Account. Chelveston, 1895, has an overdrawn balance of 4/4½ ; Receipts, £4 17s. 4d.; Expenditure, £5 1s. 8½d.

The Sunday School Account, Chelveston, 1895, has an overdrawn balance of £1 9s. 0d.

Church Collections in December and sums received for Funds closed in December, Higham Ferrers, For the Poor, £2 2s. 6¾d.; Church Expenses, £3 19s. 10½d.; Curate's Fund in Church, 14/9½; Choir Fund. £2 12s. 3d.; S.P.G, Missionary Boxes, collected for 1895, £1 17s. 7½d. Chelveston Church, For Poor, 9/11; Church Expenses, 11/-; Curate's Fund, 5/5½.

Received for Curate Fund since last issue, Quarterly Subscriptions, £4 18s. 6d.; Mr Higgins, £2; Mr O Parker (special), 10/-; Miss Shearn, 2/6; Mr J Sargent (for half year), 1/6; Mr C Parker, £2 2s.; (additional), Mr George (half year), 5/-; The Vicar (special), £1 1s.

Notices Holy Days, Feb. 2nd, Septuagesima Sunday and Purification of St. Mary.

Feb. 19th, Ash Wednesday, first day of Lent. The Season lasts to April 1st. Feb. 24th, Feast of St Matthias, Apostle.

Perseverance Class and Service put unavoidably to Tuesday, Feb. 11th, 8 p.m.

Marriage. Dec. 26. Alfred Henry Martin to Emily Hale.

Burials. Dec. 30 Annie Beatrice Elizabeth Tindall, 5 months
Jan. 1 Florence Rose Felce, 10 months
John Bayes, 72 years
John Houghton, 69 years
Irchester-Cum-Little Irchester
The Christmas Services

Holy Communion was celebrated on Christmas Day at 8 and after Morning Prayer, and there were 48 Communicants.

The Anthem, “Let us now go even unto Bethlehem" (Hopkins), was well rendered and did credit to our Choir, it is not by any means easy, but is well worth taking some pains to learn. It was repeated on the following Sunday evening.

Our Evening Service on Christmas Day was at 7-30, and was largely composed of music, Carols being sung at the conclusion. The attendance showed that this experiment of a later Service was appreciated.

The Day School A Christmas Entertainment by the children was held on Dec. 23rd and proved a great success. The Cantata, "The Bundle of Sticks," formed the first part, and “Little Red Riding Hood" (a School play), the second. Afternoon and evening performances were given, and at the latter we had a crowded house. Mr. and Mrs. Gray deserve much praise for their kind voluntary efforts in training the children, and they had the pleasure of seeing that their good work had told. The performances throughout were most creditable, and the children entered completely into the spirit of the thing. The proceeds (after paying expenses) were devoted to providing prizes. In the Cantata, Dora Saxby, Alice Humphrey, Wm. Slater, and Arthur George deserve special mention tor the admirable way in which they sustained their parts; and in the second part of the programme, Edith Brown, Herbert Battling, and Harry Robinson acquitted themselves with great credit. Arthur George gave a capital violin solo, and the whole affair would have been considered a good performance had it been as well given by grown up persons. It was a very pleasant entertainment indeed. The Vicar played most of the accompaniments. £3 6s. 2d. will be handed over to the Prize Fund as the result, which is most satisfactory.
Choir Supper The Vicar and Mrs. E. W. Thomas entertained the men and boys of the Choir to a supper at the Vicarage on Jan. 2nd, when a very agreeable evening was spent. After supper, music and games caused the time to pass all too quickly, and the general appearance of enjoyment on the faces of all present, testified to the good feeling promoted by such a gathering. Many kind words were spoken by members of the Choir, and they will not be soon forgotten.
Ambulance Classes Ambulance Classes, for learning " how to render first aid to the injured," under the auspices of the County Council, will, it is hoped, be formed in this Parish. The Vicar will be glad to receive the names of any who wish to join, as soon as may be. We hope to have our friend, Dr. Burgess, as lecturer, and are sure he will be able to impart instruction in this necessary matter, in the most interesting way. Time and place of meetings, will be announced when the classes are formed. The expense will be very small.
1896. Jan. 10
Awdrey Cecilia Thomas
Marriage 1895. Dec. 26 Sherwood Neal and Janet Ada Mackness
Burials 1895. Dec. 23 Frances Daisy Wright, 3 years
1895. Dec. 30 Edward Bugby, 19 years
1896. Jan. 16 Albert Edward Laurence, 1 year
Little Irchester
A Tea and Concert was held in the Mission Room on Jan. 16th. The Vicar and Mr. Cameron were unfortunately both laid up by severe colds, and unable to be present, and Mr. Smith referred to their enforced absence in most feeling terms. The tables were presided over by Mrs E W Thomas, Mrs Smith, Mrs Fortescue, and Mrs Collins at the tea, and a capital Concert followed, at which Mr W H Simpson gave a very amusing reading, and Mr Underwood, and Miss Branch, from Wellingboro’, delighted the audience by their singing. Messrs Laughton and Rixon gave Auto-harp duets, Mr Rixon also giving a song. Miss Smith and the Choir sustained their former reputation, and as a result, £1 3s. was handed over to the Building Fund. We ought to charge more for such good entertainments.
The Infant School By the time this is in the hands of our readers we hope this School will have made its start. As soon as the alterations were approved by the Education Department they were at once proceeded with, and it is now trusted no further delay will occur.

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