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Harvest Festivals

Wellingborough News, 8th November 1879, transcribed by Kay Collins

NEWTON BROMSWOLDA Service, of Thanksgiving for the harvest was held in the newly-restored church of this little village on the afternoon of Sunday last. It was contrary to usual custom, as harvest thanksgivings have always been held at Newton Bromswold on week-day evenings, but at present there are no means of lighting the church. There were decorations of corn, moss, and few a bright flowers in the chancel and on the font, reading-desk, and pulpit. Prayers were said and the sermon preached by the Rector, who had written a hymn (which has been printed) to be sung on the occasion. There was a collection in aid of the Church Restoration Fund, which amounted to 17s. 1d.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, October 15th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

NEWTON BROMSWOLDHarvest FestivalThe annual harvest thanks-giving service was held in the church of this parish on Friday, the 7th inst., at 7 15 p.m. There was a very good congregation, and the church was prettily decorated. At the east end of the chancel were the texts "The True Vine," and "I am the Bread of Life," and on the sill of the east window were sheaves of wheat, oats, and barley, intermixed with mountain ash berries; the other windows of the chancel, and church were decorated with corn, moss, fruit, and flowers. The ancient lid of the font was covered with sprays of mountain ash, and the mouldings of the desk and pulpit were draped with oat fringes with a heading of bright-coloured asters. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Canon Barker, rector of Rushden. The collection was for the school and amounted to £1 6s. 7d.

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