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Chelveston Baptist Chapel - Notes
Snippets from the Newspapers

Baptist Chapel built in 1924
The Chelveston Baptist Chapel built in 1924

Wellingborough News, 24th February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

CHELVESTON BAPTIST CHAPELOn Monday evening last a lantern exhibition with dioramic effects was given in this chapel by the Rev. B. Holland, Baptist Minister, of Stanwick. There was a good audience present and a collection was made at the close.

Rushden Echo, 12th August 1910, transcribed by Peter Brown

Chelveston - Baptist Mission Room—On Sunday last the services were conducted by Mr. A. H. Dickens, of Rushden, who, at the evening service, made reference to the death of three aged people who had been closely connected with the above place of worship for many years. One of them was Miss Smith, aged 79, who was baptised by the late Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, and was connected with Kingsgate-street Baptist Church for a number of years. During the 26 years she lived in Chelveston she was a regular attendant at the Baptist services and her character was such as "becometh the gospel of Christ," proving that she belonged to the household of faith. During her trying illness she manifested the greatest patience and resignation.

Another of the departed friends was Mrs. Burton, who reached a great age and passed away about three weeks ago. She was connected with the old Top meeting at Rushden for many years, and in her early days used to walk to that place of worship Sunday by Sunday. Since that journey had been too much for her she had been a constant worshipper at the little Mission at home until advanced age and weakness prevented.

Mr. Fazey, who was buried last Friday, was also a regular worshipper at the Mission for a great number of years until three years ago, when he went to reside with his daughter at Harrold. During the evening service, which was well attended, a quartette was rendered by Mrs. Dickens, Miss Doris Dickens, Mr. Hinson, and Mr. Arthur Marlow (Northampton), entitled "Only remembered by what we have done."

Rushden Echo, Friday 8th June 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

The Baptist Sunday school anniversary sermons were preached on Whit-Sunday by Mr. W. Bettles of Rushden. Special hymns were sung by the scholars, who had been trained by Misses. Willmott, Hinson and Mayes. Solos were given by Mr. Horace Bailey. The services were much appreciated.

Rushden Echo, 20th September 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

The Harvest Festival services were held at the Baptist Chapel on Sunday last, when Mr. Cunliffe, of Kettering, conducted the services. Large congregations assembled.

Rushden Echo, 11th March 1921, transcribed by Kay Collins

Mr J Brooker of the London City Mission, preached at the Baptist Mission on Sunday evening. A collection for the London Mission realised 16s.

prize giving
Prize giving at a Baptist Bazaar held June 28th 1923 in Mr Lack's field at Caldecott, opened by Mrs J F Knight of Rushden. Prizes presented
by Mr Ernest and Mrs Lizzie Lack. The event realised £126.

Rushden Echo, 28th June 1923, transcribed by Kay Collins

Chelveston - A Bazaar and garden fete, held yesterday in aid of the new Baptist chapel to be erected in the village, realised over £100. We hope to publish a full account next week.

Rushden Echo, 24th July 1925, transcribed by Kay Collins

A Large Contingent of young people from the Park-road Baptist Church, Rushden, cycled to the village of Yelden on Tuesday evening to hold an open-air meeting. The speakers included Mr P Deighton, Mr J Wilsher, of Rushden, and Mr B Watts, of Rushden. Mr T Richardson conducted the gatherings and also delivered the closing address. Three other young men also took part in the meeting. Miss L Norman sang a gospel solo and Miss Clara Bayes officiated at the organ, kindly lent by the Wesleyan Chapel, whose members and friends supported the meeting. There were present many young people from Chelveston Baptist Chapel.

Rushden Echo & Argus, 15th March 1929, transcribed by Kay Collins

Baptist Anniversary
The fifth anniversary of the Chelveston Baptist Chapel was celebrated in the chapel yesterday week. The Rev B Sockett, of Wollaston, conducted a service in the afternoon, and in the evening the Rev J A Sutherland, of Rushden, spoke on the necessity of working together. Mr F Corby, of Rushden, was in the chair, and the Rev W Lonsdale, of Ringstead, also spoke. It was announced that the chapel had been cleared of debt and money was now being raised to pay for the renovation now being carried out. The services in the school were also well attended.

Two undated pictures of Harvest Festival displays - probably at the
Baptist Church as they were with other pictures from the Hinson Family.

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